Sunday, April 16, 2006

Knitted Socks

Well I finally finished the sock for my niece.. she is a Raider fan so this is the colors for Our Football Team. Oakland Raiders Go Raiders !!!! Well Janet I hope you liked them ..

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Knitted Sock in Progress

Here is the knitted sock that I am making for my neice. this is just a teaser for her

Birthday Present

My daughter went to a b-day party on 4/2, I had made this purse for her friend since i knew she liked red and black ... this was a very simple purse and crochet a flower to add to the purse.

Blanket for Frankie

Hello All my 10 year old Daughter made this blanket for her cousin he is about 24 days old. I think she is real proud of her work and my sister really like the blanket .. Now my daughter is working on knitting a coaster .. hopefully soon she will be done that